Not many people realize that their garage floor has the potential to make them sick, but it does. Not sick as in being completely disgusted at the sight of having scruffy, dirty-looking floors. It can impact your health in a physical manner. While it is hard to believe, garage floors are capable of being a health risk to you and your loved ones. Continue reading to learn more.
Volatile Organic Compounds
If a garage floor has volatile organic compounds on it, people that reside near that garage many experience many types of negative-based health impacts. These include the onset of migraine headaches, allergies, irritation of the eyes and of the throat, as well as kidney damage. Examples of products that may include volatile organic compounds include paints, varnishes, wax, cleaning substances. And degreasing products. If you place of use any product on your concrete garage floor, you must ensure that they so not contain volatile organic compounds.
Mold and/or Mildew
If the concrete in your garage floor is cracked, water is capable of settling within those cracks. This results in the perfect breeding ground for the development of mold and/or mildew. If exposed, you and your loved ones may experience allergies, itching, sneezing, coughing, problems breathing, fatigue and headaches. Being sick as a result exposure to mold and mildew can result in massive hospital bills and potentially, death.
Wet Concrete and Mortar
If you are attempting to repair or replace the concrete in your garage, you should know and understand that wet concrete and mortar can cause a lot of health problems. These include skin contact, and allergic reaction, eye irritation, inhalation and respiratory conditions. It is advised that you hire professionals to lay concrete so that you are not exposed to the fumes and other materials in the wet concrete and the mortar.
Stored Items
Even though the garage floor typically does not get exposed to chemicals, there are some instances where items that are stored within the garage may spill and make their way onto the garage floor. If this happens, it the fumes from the stored items could result in health problems. Examples of these items include petrol, lawn care products, pesticides, and other chemicals. Research has shown that there is a link associated with certain chemicals stored within the garages and the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Contact Us
If you want a clean, safe garage with flooring that will not detrimentally impact your health or the health of your loved ones, contact us here at Ultimate Concrete Coatings today. We use products that are safe, trusted, and true. We are licensed and insured. You will love the variety of features that we have to offer you. We specialize in floor coatings that you may add chips and flakes to or even colors. Please feel free to reviews our website so that you may see all of the services and products we offer. You may call us now: CALL US NOW!